
>Thank you for your advice. I have all of the negatives for the photos. I
>guess I will make out the copyright forms but I also have retained an
>attorney for the matter. I am determined to get the fee that they owe me.
>I'll post the results when it's over. Thanks again.
> "J. Henson"

In my haste to answer, I did overlook the obvious:
In addition to immediatiately registering the copyright,
I would contact the agency, and see if they would give
reasonable payment (+ maybe a bit more, in compensation
for the unauthorized use...) before hiring a lawyer.
If not, then I would proceed (if you have clear proof
of ownership, clear proof of use, and clear proof of being
turned down for payment [keep records of EVERYTHING!], and
if the lawyer will take contingency payment [and not TOO
high a percentage of the judgement!]). This process can be
long and involving, so a quick, easy, equitable settlement
can be preferable to a bigger settlement years away (and you
may still want to work for this, and other, agencies....).
(In all this, keep in mind that I am not a lawyer.)
David Ruether