On Sun, 29 Sep 2002 12:10:31 -0400, "Supreme Enchanter" wrote:

>Thanks. I have used speed razor, but it's a horrible program. I got avid
>dv express, but work uses Premeiere.
>I'm also having problems getting my audio the same level. Is there a vu
>meter that you can use to to see the audio levels? I know on the taskbar is
>one, but it auto hides itself when you go to the time line. There is the
>audio mixer, but when the window is open, the settings on the taskbar get
>disabled (like the pan left and pan right). Anyone know the best way to get
>the audio thoughout a prodcution to be the same without having to adujust
>the levels on the beta deck?

I have an audio background, so this may be easier for me,
but using a good pair of monitor speakers and a standard
playback level, I find it easy to set levels anywhere in
a project for appropriate level, with a little experience.
BTW, "normalizing" or other fixed peak level setting
methods may not result in pleasantly even-sounding levels...
(and of course you must never exceed clipping level in DV,
but if desired, you can compress peaks manually or with
processing so that you can raise average levels).