"Steve McDonald" <bigrocketman3@webtv.net> wrote in message



>      Since the Sony TRV730 was introduced 2 1/2 years ago, it may be

> hard to find any published tests still online.  I read severaI test

> reports on this model back then and a couple of them from what I regard

> as credible sources, showed the resolution level I mentioned.  I have a

> resolution chart and did my own test and could clearly see 500 lines of

> horizontal resolution from my own TRV730, both camera-direct and in tape

> playback.  This was done with good natural light.  I believe David

> Reuther did some resolution tests on this model, as well.  Go onto

> Search and type in "Sony TRV730".  If you wade through enough commercial

> websites, you may find some that still show test specifications for it

> and for some of the other Digital8 models.  You could expect to find

> some reports about resolution that would widely vary in their results,

> as is always the case on the Internet.


> Steve McDonald


I do not do chart testing (a prejudice gained from knowing its limitations

when testing still-camera lenses - though it may be more useful for seeing

some image problems with video [though for resolution-testing, it isn't very

useful with video for getting "solid" resolution figures...]). I have the TRV730,

and on a good 27" TV, the resolution (and color) difference is obvious when

compared with good non-megapixel 1-CCD Mini-DV cameras...


 David Ruether

